Oppo F19 was launched in India on April 6, 2021 (Official) at an introductory price of Rs 20,990 and is available in different color options like Prism Black, Midnight Blue. In addition to this, the mobile measures 160.3 mm x 73.8 mm x 7.9 mm; and weighs around 175 grams. The mobile from OPPO features 6.43 inches (16.34 cm) display that has a resolution of 2400 x 1080 Pixels.
Furthermore, the aspect ratio of the Oppo F19 is 20:9 so that you can enjoy vivid and crystal clear visuals while watching videos, playing games, or streaming movies online..
{“@context”:”https://schema.org/”,”@type”:”Review”,”reviewBody”:”Whether you’re a beginner, marketer, web designer or developer, Spectra includes all the tools and resources you can trust to succeed online.”,”description”:”Furthermore, the aspect ratio of the Oppo F19 is 20:9 so that you can enjoy vivid and crystal clear visuals while watching videos, playing games, or streaming movies online..”,”itemReviewed”:{“@type”:”IndividualProduct”,”name”:”The oppo f19 is a cheap good phone “,”description”:”Furthermore, the aspect ratio of the Oppo F19 is 20:9 so that you can enjoy vivid and crystal clear visuals while watching videos, playing games, or streaming movies online..”,”image”:”https://bdnewsnet.com.bd/tech/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2022/09/image-1.png”,”sku”:”21454″,”brand”:{“@type”:”Brand”,”name”:”OPPO”},”offers”:{“@type”:”Offer”,”price”:”20000″,”url”:”#”,”priceValidUntil”:”2025-12-19T00:00:00″,”priceCurrency”:”BDT”,”availability”:”https://schema.org/InStock”},”gtin”:””},”reviewRating”:{“@type”:”Rating”,”ratingValue”:2.8333333333333335,”worstRating”:”0″,”bestRating”:5},”author”:{“@type”:”Person”,”name”:”– Brainstorm Force”},”publisher”:”bdnewsnet.com.bd”,”datePublished”:”2020-12-19T00:00:00″,”url”:”#”}
Furthermore, the aspect ratio of the Oppo F19 is 20:9 so that you can enjoy vivid and crystal clear visuals while watching videos, playing games, or streaming movies online..
– Brainstorm Force
Whether you’re a beginner, marketer, web designer or developer, Spectra includes all the tools and resources you can trust to succeed online.
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